Diálogo Estruturado

The first phase of Be Active Project – Shape Europe – has been held on the 11th of July 2019, consisting on a structured dialogue session. The session has taken place in S. João de Ver parish, belonging to the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, between 10.00 and 17.00 with 30 participants.

During the morning, the European program “Europe for Citizens” has been presented and the EuroDesk has presented several opportunities of mobility and youth participation in Europe.

Afterwards, the Be Active Project – Shape Europe – has been explained to all participants, namely the objectives, activities and the involved participants. After this presentation, the young people defined the themes with more interest for them as well as the discussion / work model, based on the non formal education methodology: world coffee and graphic recording.

This way, the proposed themes were: European diversity, participatory democracy, representative democracy, European youth goals / needs of the young people in Santa Maria da Feira.

During the afternoon, the working groups started the structured dialogue session about the themes in a motivated environment, taking into consideration the different points of view.

At the end of the day, the young people presented the conclusions of each theme to the participants and to the deciders (politicians) and they have had the opportunity to speak with them, sharing their points of view and their concerns while European young people.

The Vice-President of the City Hall of Santa Maria da Feira and the Manager of the Sports and Youth Division of the City Hall of Santa Maria da Feira attended the session.

The young people are checking the possibility of publishing an article in the local media about the structured dialogue session. They are also working on a video about that day.

Considering the work that has been developed, the young people suggest to include more themes or to analyze deeper one of the themes that has been discussed.