Meet the Partners
ConsortiumCommunity Enterprise of Thessaloniki, Greece, Lead Partner
Municipality of Thessaloniki is a local governmental body. European and national policies in Greece are being implemented locally through the mechanism of the Municipalities. Especially for youth policy, the Municipality of Thessaloniki developed a designated Department inside the organogram of the Municipality, while specialized youth actions or projects are being implemented by the Community Enterprise of the Municipality of Thessaloniki. KEDITH is the Community Enterprise of Municipality of Thessaloniki, with a number of 65 employees in total. It is responsible for the social support of young people and especially the youngsters confronting social risk. KEDITH is running a certified lifelong learning – level 2 – training center which provides support for courses on language, professions, technology and also a Youth Centre for non-formal education in order to strengthen youngsters role in the civil society.
London Borough of Lewisham, United Kingdom, Partner
Τhe Young Mayor Project works across the authority and partners in Lewisham so is well placed to bring in additional support and expertise from colleagues and voluntary and community sector organisations as well as national connections to ensure dissemination and relevance to national as well as local political interests and concerns. The London Borough of Lewisham has a diverse population and many social and economic challenges as with many inner-city areas. The Young Mayor Programme in particular was developed to encourage often disenfranchised communities and young people to engage with the democratic process and use their many skills, interests and experiences to improve and create the changes they need in order to thrive in this society. Locally the Young Mayor Project works on regeneration, health services, education and leisure services, across the board young people are involved in and contributing to decision making and being active in their community.
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Youth Cultural Centre Maribor, Mladinski kulturni center Maribor, Slovenia, Partner
The Youth Cultural Centre Maribor (Mladinski kulturni center Maribor) is a public institute, founded in 1993 by the Municipality of Maribor. It is active in the field of youth work, art and creativity. It promotes and organizes local, national and international youth projects, cultural and art projects. The Youth Cultural Centre Maribor organize over 300 different activities every year. The institute programmes are structured in the form of regular programme activities and temporary projects. When the project European Youth Capital Maribor 2013 ended, The Youth Cultural Centre Maribor took its legacy from the Municipality of Maribor and is now taking care for its sustainable effects and projects. The main sustainable project is Mladi Maribor (Young Maribor) platform with its advanced digital urban youth information system. The Youth Cultural Centre Maribor also represents Maribor in the Network of European Youth Capitals.
Cinisello Balsamo Municipality, Italy, Partner
Cinisello Balsamo is a public body, which is providing different kind of youth-work for and with young people of the municipality. Cinisello Balsamo Municipality with its Youth Policy Planning Department carries out, mainly with other subjects of the territory, projects which aim at supporting young people and their skills development. The intervention areas are youth policy, social cohesion & inclusion program (development of the community and involvement of foreign citizens), drugs’ prevention, youth mobility, protagonist & active participation of youngers to social life. Beneficiaries of the activities are pre-adolescents, adolescents and young people from 11 to 30 years old. The projects of the Department include different activities: educational & socializing activities (Youth Center, training moments in high schools, prevention of marginalization risks); culture & expressivity (creativity workshops, events); promotion of active citizenship and volunteering (EVS, European mobility)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vehicula ac nisl ut euismod. Vestibulum id magna rutrum, efficitur neque non, congue ante. Fusce ac finibus sem. Sed nec purus sagittis, euismod neque ac
Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, Partner
The Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira it´s a local authority, and it has about 800 employees. The municipal responsibilities are: to promote and protect the personal interests of the respective populations. The municipalities have responsibilities in particular in the following areas: rural and urban equipment; energy; transport and communications; education; heritage, culture and science; sport and leisure times; health; social action; housing; civil protection; environment and sanitation; consumer protection; promoting development; spatial and urban planning; municipal police; external cooperation, among others. Youth Department that takes the part in this project has as main strategic objectives of the youth policy to programming and implementing the municipal policy in the youth field, organizing and supporting initiatives targeting young people, promoting youth participation, by fostering associative & volunteering, developing training programs and leisure activities for them.
Association ” Varna – European Youth Capital”, Bulgaria, Partner
Varna EYC is umbrella structure, which unites 30 local youth organisations and the municipality of Varna. The association has developed serious capacity in funding of youth initiatives, advocating for youth rights and structure dialogue, as well as encouraging youth participation and volunteering. A strength that can be added to the project is the process of inclusion of young people in decision making process via taking part in co-management structures like advisory councils on youth, establishing youth umbrella structures and how such process is being facilitated.
The association is seen as practical tool for Structure dialogue, because it consist of youth organizations and local authority, which are discussing topics directly concerning the young people. Varna EYC is also holding trainings for young people (2 trainings organized in 2017) and has also co-organized 3 national youth meetings related to structure dialogue.
“Be Active- Shape Europe”
Adress: 164th K.Karamanli str. PC 54248,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +30 2310 821722