Diálogo Estruturado

Diálogo Estruturado

The first phase of Be Active Project – Shape Europe – has been held on the 11th of July 2019, consisting on a structured dialogue session. The session has taken place in S. João de Ver parish, belonging to the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, between 10.00 and 17.00 with 30 participants.

During the morning, the European program “Europe for Citizens” has been presented and the EuroDesk has presented several opportunities of mobility and youth participation in Europe.

Afterwards, the Be Active Project – Shape Europe – has been explained to all participants, namely the objectives, activities and the involved participants. After this presentation, the young people defined the themes with more interest for them as well as the discussion / work model, based on the non formal education methodology: world coffee and graphic recording.

This way, the proposed themes were: European diversity, participatory democracy, representative democracy, European youth goals / needs of the young people in Santa Maria da Feira.

During the afternoon, the working groups started the structured dialogue session about the themes in a motivated environment, taking into consideration the different points of view.

At the end of the day, the young people presented the conclusions of each theme to the participants and to the deciders (politicians) and they have had the opportunity to speak with them, sharing their points of view and their concerns while European young people.

The Vice-President of the City Hall of Santa Maria da Feira and the Manager of the Sports and Youth Division of the City Hall of Santa Maria da Feira attended the session.

The young people are checking the possibility of publishing an article in the local media about the structured dialogue session. They are also working on a video about that day.

Considering the work that has been developed, the young people suggest to include more themes or to analyze deeper one of the themes that has been discussed.



On the date 4th July 2019, from 10.00 to 13.00, was organized and successfully concluded the activity of the first “Be Active Shape Europe” phase, a project financed by the European Commission within the “Europe for Citizens” Program that aims to bring together young people and policy makers, promoting at the same time the active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity among young people.

The Structured Dialogue, already developed in other and various local realities, thanks to support of the project partners of Greece, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Portugal and Bulgaria, for the first time in history of the Cinisello Balsamo municipality has been organized as a meeting between Giacomo Ghilardi, Major of the city , and the City council members with representatives of the young residents of the city. The meeting was held at the Executive Boardroomon the first floor of the Municipality.

During the meeting that was organized by the operators and interns of the Civil Service of the Youth Policy Department of Cinisello Balsamomunicipality , were expressed the ideas, visions and necessities of youngsters in the city in order to make the city a better place to live. It was also a moment of sharing the reasons why, until now, there has been a gap between youth realities and decision makers, discussing over the creation of a channel for the open communication along with the local administration representatives. The mechanism would be a sort of a permanent 2 ways direction tool that would allow both sides to have an open and constant dialogue, which will influence and motivate the youngsters to participate more actively in the future city development

.Cinisello Balsamo

The willingness that has been shown by the Major and the City Council members for evolution of the future project proposals was extremely important and appreciated by the city youngsters who will continue the path through the intense workshop, which will be organized and guided in the following months, in order to formulate tools and suggestions to present as a model at the European level.

Cinisello Balsamo

The spirit of initiative shown by the youngsters and positively highly valued by the local administration representatives has outlined a historic moment and turning point for the municipality, which already for years, stands for the important example at national level when it comes to youth related policies. It was agreed that youth participation as a chance to get their opinions taken into account and have their views taken seriously is crucial for the creation of better services in order to meet their aspirations, rights and needs.

Strukturiran dialog – Oblikuj poletje v Mariboru po svoji meri

Strukturiran dialog – Oblikuj poletje v Mariboru po svoji meri

19. 6. 2019 je na Srednji šoli za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor potekal prvi dogodek v sklopu projekta Be Active – Shape Europe (BASE), strukturiran dialog z mladimi. Dogodka sta se udeležila tudi predstavnik Popotniškega združenja Slovenije – Igor Jurišič in predstavnica Zveze prijateljev mladine Maribor (ZPM) – Tadeja Dobaj.

Namen dogodka je bilo spoznavanje mladinskega dela v Mariboru in aktivnostih namenjenih mladim ter ideje mladih, ki bi prispevale k obogatitvi teh programov. Z aktivnostmi in metodologijo izvajanja smo prispevali k ponovni vzpostavitvi zaupanja v vrednote Evropske unije ter mlade skozi temo strukturiranega dialoga (v našem primeru oblikovanja predlogov aktivnosti za mlade v poletnem času) spodbujali k aktivni participaciji in politični aktivnosti. Nenazadnje je cilj projekta BASE strukturirana razprava med mladimi z odločevalci, da bi tudi tako povečali njihovo aktivno udeležbo na vseh ravneh ter da bi tako prispevali k razvoju družbe na lokalni in evropski ravni. Skozi celotni proces smo naslavljali vrednote demokracije, večkulturnosti in socialne kohezije, ki so tudi »rdeča nit« celotnega projekta.

Mladi so na začetku spoznali sam projekt – BASE, organizacije MKC Maribor, Popotniško združenje Slovenije in ZPM Maribor in njihove programe za poletje 2019. Dotaknili so se tudi spletnih strani (Mladi Maribor in Prostovoljstvo v Mariboru), kjer so navedene vse organizacije iz Maribora in povezave do njihovih spletnih strani ter kontaktov.

Nato so mladi udeleženci po skupinah odgovarjali na vprašanje: Če bi kreirali poletje po svoji meri, katere aktivnosti bi si želeli? Na koncu so mladi predloge predstavili, mi pa smo jih zabeležili in komentirali.

Predlogi mladih se bodo zbrali v dokumentu, ki ga bomo delili med mladinskimi organizacijami, organizacijami za mlade in ostalim deležnikom, ki ustvarjajo aktivnost za mlade, da jih lahko le ti vključijo v svoje poletne programe.

Priprava in izvedba dogodka je potekala med 9:00 – 13:00


Kick off event Thessaloniki

Kick off event Thessaloniki

The Community Enterprise of the Municipality of Thessaloniki (KEDITH) held the first meeting organized as part of the project “Be Active – Shape Europe”, funded by the Europe for Citizens Program.

In the multi-purpose room of the Youth Information Office of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and Youth in the Port of Thessaloniki, a structured dialogue event was held entitled “Young people get their future in their hands!”.

The aim of the project is to bring young people closer to different European municipalities and to create a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and practices in the field of youth work.

The first meeting discussed the strengthening of young people’s interest in European political life and the promotion of active citizenship and participation in political processes, such as the European elections of 2019.

Young people discussed, debated and submitted proposals for European elections and the future of Europe