A meeting between young people and decision-makers was held in Varna

A meeting between young people and decision-makers was held in Varna

A meeting between young people and professionals was held in Varna over the past weekend on March 7-8.

Young people from the age of sixteen to thirty from all over Bulgaria attended to the event, including workers, students, and doctoral students.

All of them had the opportunity to exchange the information with the guest speaker, the executive director of Varna-European Youth Capital Sergey Petrov , and the Deputy Minister of Education Mr. P.Nikolov.

In a few words, the moderator of the discussion S.Petrov reminded the participants how important it is to overcome the distance between the young people and the decision-makers.

The participants got acquitted with the diagram of Tony Karrer-Four L Model, as well as the ladder of participation, where everyone determined exactly where is on it.

The Deputy Minister of Education shared more about civic education and answered the questions that interested the young people. The discussion then focused on what youngsters can be more active in.

According to all participants, at the end of the first day, it became clear that much higher activity is needed on their part.

During the second day of the workshop, the young people expressed the pros and cons on various topics related to the youth, authorities, stakeholders, and communities. They finished with reports on coping with the problems.

At the end of the day, they created a “bubble” symbolizing their belonging to the society they have created in recent days.

The meeting finished with thanks to the representatives of the municipality of Varna and The Ministry of Education and Science for the open dialogue.

The Meeting-discussion took place within the international project “Be Active, Shape Europe”, funded by “Europe for Citizens”.

Metting Agenda

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National Workshop Date of Workshop: Monday February 3rd, 2020, Jacob Sakil and Nicholas Gunner (YMT)

National Workshop Date of Workshop: Monday February 3rd, 2020, Jacob Sakil and Nicholas Gunner (YMT)

For our second event, the National workshsop, for the Be Active – Shape Europe project our team in Lewisham created and facilitated a workshop for young people who live in the borough of Lewisham. The outcome was to youth participants an introduction to primary ideals of the European Union and to work with politicians and policy makers to influence change and be active citizens.

Workshop Outline[1]

As part of the workshop we started with an introduction to the primary ideals of the European Union along with some icebreakers to start to give the youth participants an opportunity to explore what they already know and build a safe space to discuss individual thoughts and experiences based on the topic of what citizenship means and being a part of Europe.

Conversations & Debate

Going forward in the workshop with the young people we discussed what countries are a part of the European Union, facts about the EU and what it was set up to do and how that information filters into their daily lives both on a formal and informal level. Many of the young people had varying knowledge in terms of what they’ve been told, experienced versus facts such as policy making and their human rights and how that is observed both nationally and internationally.


Within our workshop we also delivered activities where the young people were able to brainstorm what it meant to them to be an ‘active citizen’ and how they have in the past taken part in regional and local programs that allowed them to be a part of civic life. Some young people have been active locally and others were keen to find out and talk to politicians and policy makers.

Throughout the workshop the youth participants took part in debates based on various statements relating to the overall workshop objective. This provided a space for young people to fact check and challenge biases whilst sharing good practices of youth participation based on personal experiences. Some examples were of young people who have been a part of Erasmus + exchanges and taking part in trips to the European council.


In the end the young people who participated all had a greater understanding both about what the European institutions are and what it means to them to be European. As well as being active in Lewisham and the UK it helped them understand how they can be active citizens in Europe and in the world. Many of the young people have parents and family who are part of the diaspora from the Caribbean or from west Africa, and also have family in other parts of Europe, it helped them to think about what is important about being European for them as individuals and as part of communities.

Brexit has obviously been a huge topic of discussion and speculation for young people trying to work out what it means for them and their families. So good debate was had but it is still difficult to draw conclusions as we all know it is an ongoing and very complex process. The young people now have a better fundamental understanding of the context and possibilities, which they can use to inform their decisions, discussions and actions in the future. As active citizens they are in a better place to interact and work with politicians and policy makers about the changes they would like to see locally, nationally and in Europe. Local politicians and policy makers are very supportive and have met with the young people to discuss their intereste, ideas and concerns


[1]First slide from our presentation used to set the scene for the workshop.

BASE v gosteh na Prvi gimnaziji v Mariboru

BASE v gosteh na Prvi gimnaziji v Mariboru

Na Prvi gimnaziji v Mariboru smo v sredo, 5. 2. 2020 izpeljali delavnico v sklopu projekta BASE, ki je financiran iz strani programa Evropa za državljane in spodbuja mlade k večji participaciji in razmisleku o varnosti v različnih kontekstih življenja mladih.

Na delavnici so dijaki 3. letnika razmišljali o tem, kako (ne)varen je njihov šolski prostor in kakšni so izzivi s katerimi se srečujejo v šoli na področju varnosti. Poiskali so tudi rešitve, kako bi njihov prostor lahko postal bolj varen.

Med bolj zanimive so uvrstili spoznavne tabore, da bi se jim bilo lažje vključiti v nov, srednješolski prostor, večje upoštevanje njihovih mnenj in dvig razumevanja njihovih težav s strani profesorjev, funkcionalno tutorstvo, bolj aktivnega varuha dijakovih pravic ter več splošne varnosti v šoli s poostrenejšim nadzorom varnostnikom in zaščitenih prostorov šole s kamerami, saj verjamejo, da bi s tem zmanjšali število vstopov naključnih, potencialno nevarnih obiskovalcev šole, zmanjšala pa bi se tudi fizično in psihično nasilje.

Dijaki so izpostavili pomembnost tega, da so slišani, da lahko sodelujejo o razpravah, ki se tičejo njihove varnosti ter da bi tovrstne delavnice morale postati bolj pogoste v njihovem šolskem prostoru.

Priprava in izvedba dogodka je potekala med 9:00 – 15:00


On Wednesday, 5 February 2020, we held a workshop at the First Gymnasium in Maribor as part of the BASE project, which is funded by the Europe for Citizens program and encourages young people to participate more and reflect on safety in various contexts of young people’s lives.

On Wednesday, 5 February 2020, we held a workshop at the First Gymnasium in Maribor as part of the BASE project, which is funded by the Europe for Citizens program and encourages young people to participate more and reflect on safety in various contexts of young people’s lives.

At the workshop, 3rd year students thought about how (un) safe their school space is and what are the challenges they face in school in the field of safety. They also looked for solutions on how their space could become safer.

Among the more interesting were the learning camps to make it easier for them to integrate into the new, high school space, greater consideration of their opinions and increased understanding of their problems by professors, functional tutoring, more active ombudsman and more general security in school with tighter surveillance of security guards and protected areas of the school with cameras, as they believe that this would reduce the number of entries of random, potentially dangerous school visitors, as well as reduce physical and psychological violence.

Students stressed the importance of being heard, of being able to participate in discussions concerning their safety, and that such workshops should become more frequent in their school space.

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Cinisello Balsamo

Fra le giornate di venerdì 29 Novembre e domenica 1 Dicembre si è tenuto a Chiavenna il Workshop Residenziale del progetto “Be Active, Shape Europe”, che ha come obiettivo principale quello di avvicinare i giovani ed i decisori politici.

In occasione di questa seconda fase di progetto sono stati dedicati dei momenti per identificare alcune delle necessità e problematiche comuni fra i giovani della città di Cinisello Balsamo, che hanno portato ad una condivisione di idee e progetti sulla cittadinanza attiva con gli assessori Riccardo Visentin e Daniela Maggi.

Non è mancata l’occasione di presentare ai giovani le opportunità europee offerte dai programmi di Erasmus+ e Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà, che costituiscono un importante panoramica per futuri progetti da attuare sul nostro territorio

.Cinisello Balsamo

In particolare, il programma delle giornate si è articolato in:

Venerdì 29/11
h 17.00 Partenza da Cinisello Balsamo
h 21.00 Presentazione del progetto e attività di conoscenza

Sabato 30/11

h 9.30 – 10.00 Warm-up
h 10.00 – 13.00 Workshop e dibattiti:
- cittadinanza attiva e opportunità di partecipazione
- il coinvolgimento dei giovani nei processi decisionali
- le buone pratiche a Cinisello Balsamo e in Europa
h 15.00 – 16.00 Le sfide per i giovani a livello locale
h 17.00 – 18.00 What’s next? Costruire un percorso partecipato a Cinisello Balsamo
h 18.00 – 18.30 Chiusura lavori e valutazione
h 19.30 Cena in Ostello

Domenica 01/12

h 8.30 – 9.30 Colazione in Ostello
h 9.30 – 10.00 Warm-up
h 10.00 – 12.30 Laboratorio di progettazione
h 12.30 – 13.00 Chiusura lavori e valutazione

Ringraziamo tutti i giovani partecipanti che hanno accolto quest’esperienza con entusiasmo ed i rappresentanti della giunta che si sono impegnati insieme a noi per promuovere queste importanti tematiche!

Cinisello Balsamo